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Why We Should Care About Equality

By: Olatide Dickson-Amusa

Olatide Dickson-Amusa is a vibrant young woman of the solid age of ten. She loves to read, collect recyclables, and writes stuff that makes you think. Enjoy! (The publisher has done as little editing as possible, to preserve the rawness and originality of a child's mind).


⚠️Author's Note: May make you a little bit uncomfortable but... interesting.

Boys and Girls are both different sexes. This doesn't mean we shouldn't be treated equally.

There are so many reports, especially in Nigeria of women being mistreated. In some cultures and countries women/girls are not allowed to go to school because they are supposed to do things like housework,chores etc. And in some homes it is believed that girls are just rags for housework.

Also, in some homes, girls are forced to marry early which is bad. There are reports of girls who are forced to marry at five or even two years old!

There was a story I heard about a man who married a three year old girl, which is terrible because the legal age for a girl to marry, is eighteen. In reality, even an 18 year old girl should not give birth unless she chooses to, because she should be in school or preparing for university.

Poverty is a huge issue in today's world. In some cultures schooling for boys is considered important. For girls however, schooling is basically ignored.

Moreover, many parents cannot afford to send all their children to school, and so they choose their sons. Also, some parents are afraid of sending their daughters to school. This is because some parents are afraid of their well being...because some teachers mistreat the girl children.

Some children really hate the Barbie brand, mostly boys but some girls hate Barbie because Barbie actually discriminates.

Barbie has too many stereotypes. She is always special,she is either a princess or a famous person and she likes pink and some girls really hate pink. Take me for example I hate pink it makes me feel girly, uncomfortable and not confident.

But my dad always buys me pink things:pink bag, pink clothes, pink shoes, pink duvet etc. To me it's outrageous, because I hate pink. Some people have this feeling that pink, purple, yellow are for girls while green, red and blue are for boys and girls can only like pink.

And in movies like Power Rangers, boys are always the leaders and the girl are always in colours like pink and yellow. And when I was writing right now I typed boys as soon as I wanted to write the next sentence it showed capital letter. See!!!!

Finally, people always focus on girl inequality more than boys which is also bad and toxic. Remember that everyone has rights too; not just girls. We are simply more concerned that girls rights are by far more abused.

Please share this article with your friends, family and neighborhood so that we can be more aware of this gender inequality and the world around us.

With grace and hope, Yours faithfully, Olatide Dickson-Amusa

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