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Things You Should Know About Child Abuse

By Oluwagbenga Miracle

Miracle Oluwagbenga is a quiet eleven year old with a penchant for deep thinking and compassion. She enjoys reading, puzzles and delving into the SDGs.

Enjoy! (The publisher has done as little editing as possible, to preserve the rawness and originality of a child's mind).


What is child abuse? Child abuse refers to any emotional, sexual or physical mistreatment or neglect by an adult in a role of responsibility toward someone who is under 18 years of age. In most parts of the world most children are been abused.

If a child is being emotionally abused, it would suppress their ability to speak out, and not allow the children to express their views and opinions.

What is emotional abuse?

This is when people consistently say things and behave in a way that will convey to the child that they are worthless,or only valued as far as the other persons needs are concerned.

Recently I went to the market with my mum and I saw a girl been mercilessly beaten by her mum. And besides I have been hearing news of people who are above 18 years old abusing children.

Sexual abuse is defined as any act that forces or entices a child or young person to participate in Sexual activities. Such activities may include:telling dirty jokes or stories, rape e.t.c.

Neglect is the long term effects of abuse it includes:loneliness, isolation and low self esteem. It can involve locking a child in a room or closet,not having time for your child at all Time e.t.c.

Child abuse needs to to be eradicated in the world because it destroys people's lives and can lead to suicide .Say no to child abuse.

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